New Age Warriors, L.L.C.

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Contact US DIRECTLY by e-mail AND CONNECT WITH JAMES and his team TODAY!


We offer many services to bring positive change to your community. We specialize in community partnership and engagement. So, innovative ways are being thought of and implemented every day. Our collective of speakers, artists, producers, and engineers are all passionate about community building, so throw ideas at us and let’s start crafting your next event. Here’s a menu of different services we offer, but this list isn’t exhaustive due to our innovative mindset in our approach to genuine, meaningful connection with our respective communities:







Facebook: @J.G.Pakootas

Instagram: @j.g.pakootas

YouTube: James Pakootas

— Keynote Speaker —


James delivers a powerful testimony and takes his audience on a roller-coaster ride through childhood abuse and abandonment, the darkest depths of drug & alcohol addiction, criminal activity that landed him in and out of jails; ultimately leading to a lengthy stay in a federal prison cell, and his most recent trauma, surviving a drunk-driving accident that paralyzed his entire right arm and almost took his very life. As a Native American community leader, he coordinates events, mentors our youth, and empowers our future. James provides a fresh look into the world of addiction and substance abuse. More importantly, his mission is to influence change by providing his unique perspective on recovery, prevention, resiliency, having hope despite trauma, and how culture can bring healing from all of it.


— empower our future —


The "Empower Our Future Speaking & Concert Series" is a multi-curtural movement created to inspire and uplift today's youth, our future leaders of tomorrow.  We are not here to teach our children that they hold value.  We are not here to teach our children that they are great.  We are here to remind them that they've held infinite value their entire lives.  We are here to remind them of their greatness!  Our Keynote Speakers, and Performing Artists teach our children how to reconnect with themselves, find their inner confidence, and speak their truth. To find out more about the “Empower Our Future” Speaking & Concert Series Click Here.


— artist in residence —


DCM Collective partners with non-profit & community organizations to create residency programs for performing artists across the nation. Not only do we help you create your next body of work, but we house you in our residence that the studio space holds to ensure a consistent work flow, we educate you in workshop style sessions that enhance your knowledge and skill set in creating more professional mixes with each piece of art, and contract professional camera crews to shoot the entire process to help you develop and sharpen your social media presence, website, and electronic press kit to strengthen your position in the music industry.


— workshops & talking circles —


James and his team offer a variety of workshops and talking circles to get our audiences involved, interactive, and inspired. Again, as we tap in to our imagination, the opportunities become endless in terms of innovative and creative ways to connect with each other in a more intimate setting. We’ve facilitated in everything from role playing/acting exercises, creative writing, beat making, mixing & mastering, recording techniques, talking circles on every topic imaginable…if we can manifest an idea, then we can put your vision into action. Come connect with us today.